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Welcome!  These BONUS Videos Available for a Limited Time.Your are IN! Enjoy these videos today. 

Leila Mireskandari

Magical Kids Garden Just For Them

  • How Kids Gardens are different
  • One mistake that will make your kids hate gardening and how to avoid it
  • Which plants to grow in a kids garden

Stacey Murphy

10 Tricks for Growing Delicious Tomatoes

  • Choosing tomatoes for your climate 
  • Fertility for growing in soil or containers
  • One easy thing to significantly reduce disease
  • The Easiest DIY trellis

Stacey Murphy

5 Flavor Garden: Chard, Spinach, Parsley, Celery and Sorrel

  • Nutrient-rich vegetables you can grow anywhere in just minutes each week
  • FAST food that’s homegrown, convenient and healthy!
  • 5 Flavor greens that make delicious meals every time
  • Special varieties of greens to suit your local climate
  • Never settle for bland grocery store greens ever again, grow your own flavors

Ready to OWN all 16+ presentations in this 3-Day Summit!?  No need to wait. Take advantage of 60% off  Lifetime Access  for just $77 and watch it ALL today. 

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Inheriting the wisdom of these garden visionaries makes growing your own food so much simpler… And once your garden is thriving, imagine what else is possible!

  • Grow a more abundant harvest without a lot of hard work
  • Ensure your foods are supercharged with precious nutrients
  • Nourish yourself with homegrown medicine and prevent chronic diseases
  • Enjoy the garden lifestyle and tap into the peace of knowing exactly how your food was grown

Remember: During the 3-Day FREE event you get access to each day for 24 hours. You can listen to all the presentations during the 3-Day event at no cost.

Here’s what fellow gardeners had to say about our Summits: 

The microgreen presentation was so inspiring. There really is NO reason to NOT have food growing year round! 

Deborah N.

Loving the 5 Flavor GREEN Garden presentation for someone who wants to begin but has no idea… thank you Stacey!


Ahmed Q.

I can grow sweet potatoes in my colder climate if I time it right!I never knew I could. That’s amazing, and I also didn’t know they have greens that we could eat. 

Karen C.

Ready to OWN the entire Summit at 60% off now? This limited time offer disappears when the 3-Day event ends

Simply grab your Harvest Victory Kit TODAY

Special Encore Weekend Offer for you: Grab Your Harvest Victory Kit before the timer runs out

Own all 16+ presentations. Available for downloads or online viewing. PLUS the Best of Garden Summits Collection, too.

And as a special treat, gain instant access to a collection of BONUSES: online classes, ebooks, resources and two months of Harvest Club membership, valued at over $500+. Plus, Stacey Murphy’s top Superfood Garden Summit Cheat Sheets – all the presentation’s best takeaways in an easy-to-read format.

During this exclusive event, these visionaries will show you expert tips to supercharge your garden so you can enjoy even more flavor, health and vitality.

During this exclusive  event, these visionary growers share expert tips to supercharge  your garden with more flavor, health and vitality.

Stacey Murphy

Vegetable & Herb Plants 101

Crystal Meserole

How to Grow a Non-Stop Supply of Microgreens

Manju Kumar

Garden Healing: Celebrating Biodiversity and Peace

Stacey Murphy

Organic Edible Gardens that Thrive Q&A

Matt Powers

Regenerative Soil for an Abundant Harvest

Rob Herring

Small Scale Vermicomposting You Can Do Anywhere

Jessica Smith

Boosting the Nutrition of Your Edible Plants

Greg Peterson

Irrigation & Water Conservation Made Easy

Heather Irvine

Garden Like an Herbalist

Jason Matyas

Heirloom Seeds and Maximum Nutrition (for Generations to Come)

Melissa Norris

Succession Planting & Intercropping for Better Yields

Kami McBride

​Setting up Your Herbal Kitchen Medicine

Tom Bartels

Mistakes I Made So You Don’t Have To

Karen Washington

Creating Community Gardens that Thrive

Marjory Wildcraft

3 Unusual Superfoods That You Can Grow Right At Home

Elliot Roth

Grow Your Own Spirulina

Dale Soloman

​Grow Your Own Spirulina

Leila Mireskandari

Magical Kids Garden Just For Them

Tradd Cotter

​​4 Easy Ways to Grow Mushrooms

Own your copy & get started NOW

Grab 60% off lifetime access to all the Summit presentations and bonuses when you order today!

During the Superfood Garden Summit, you get free access to  15 presentations during this 3-Day event. Just in case you miss anything LIVE, you can own it all instantly now!

Here’s what you receive:

  • Lifetime access to every single presentation, so you can enjoy the expert motivation and knowledge when you most need it
  • New ideas uncovered when you listen again and again. Ideas you missed the first time around! As you gain more garden experience, you will discover even more golden nuggets each time you listen.
  • Life-changing tips that you can share with family and friends, too.
  • Collection of powerful bonuses worth over $500! Resources and tools, all proven to help simplify your garden efforts and make your garden GROW.

Take action and grab the Harvest Victory Kit RIGHT NOW!

Never grew garlic and it isn’t as intimidating as I thought. So tomorrow, off I go to the farmer’s market, and see which kind I can find and plant! 

Karen C.

The visuals about how to prune berries were priceless – we got to understand the rationale behind it! Invaluable and applicable to other soft fruit bushes too!


Marla D.

Now I know I am not the only one who deals with the struggles of weather, poor soil and sometimes I just don’t know what went wrong. Thank you. 

Lyda E.

Limited Time Offer for you: Grab Your Harvest Victory Kit before the event ends

As a special treat, when you say yes to this time sensitive offer, you will also own the following… for free, for a limited time.

Here’s your BONUSES when you act now!

​Best of Garden Summit Collection

Own this collection of 16 of the listener’s favorite presentations from past Garden Summits! Featuring the top Homegrown Revolutionary tips for growing Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Blueberries, Garlic, Turmeric, 5-Flavor Greens + MORE! Plus videos on Maximizing Yields, Aquaponics, Lasagna Bed Garden Building, Community Gardening, Wild Foraging and more! This collection is a must-have for any garden enthusiast. Take advantage of decades of garden wisdom to avoid common pitfalls.BONUS #1 from Stacey MurphyValue $197

Superfood Garden Cheat Sheets

Find the info you’re looking for from the summit, FAST, with these cheat sheets. Biggest takeaways from each presentation in an easy to read format. We’ve taken notes so that you don’t have to! It’s like transcripts but even better… because the information is condensed and organized for you.BONUS #2 from Stacey MurphyValue $37

Harvest Club – Two Month Membership

Enjoy two months of the premier online garden membership program free with your toolkit purchase and take your garden harvest to the next level. Get the answers you need to make more progress in your garden faster than you thought possible with member-only Q&As and consults with expert growers. Plus gain access to a portal filled with cheat sheets and templates that help you grow MORE harvest with LESS stress.BONUS #4 from Stacey MurphyValue $100

Growing Food Pest & Disease Free

Discover preventative strategies to grow your food pest and disease free and save yourself tons of energy trying to fight them off. Includes natural, homemade recipes and remedies for deterring pests and minimizing diseases.BONUS #3 from Stacey MurphyValue: $97

The Need to Grow Film

In a race against the end of farmable soil, three individuals fight for change in the industry of agricultural food production, calling for a revolution. “The Need to GROW” delivers alarming evidence on the importance of healthy soil — revealing not only the potential of localized food production working with nature, but our opportunity as individuals to help regenerate our planet’s dying soils and participate in the restoration of the Earth.BONUS #5 from Rob HerringValue $12.99

5 Delicious Recipes for Garden Greens

After you start harvesting all your fresh cut greens, you’re going to look for new ways to make your meals even more exciting. Here are my top 5 kid (and adult) approved plant-based recipes for all those fresh greens… even for picky eaters!BONUS #6 from Stacey MurphyValue $19

Supercharge Your Soil eBook

Healthy soil is the key to getting the nutrient density you want for your health! Discover the recipes and steps to cultivating superior soil… then prepare yourself for the overwhelming abundance coming your way! This complete e-book has what you need to become a steward of the soil and guardian of your healthy fresh food lifestyle.BONUS #7 from Jessica Smith & The Human Longevity ProjectValue $19

Jumpstart Your Urban FarmWith Greg’s step-by-step guidance it won’t be long before you’re cultivating your own edible yard. In this life-changing course, you will learn: the 3 essential steps to becoming an urban farmer; the powerful distinction between “regenerative” and “sustainable”; how to use permaculture principles to examine your space and plan your urban farm or garden; why growing your own food is one of the most revolutionary ways to change the world.BONUS #8 from Greg PetersonValue $97

How to Grow Elderberry Tutorial

Learn how to choose the right variety for your climate, what exactly elderberry plants need and how to take care of them when you first plant them. Also which varieties are best for medicine making and mistakes to avoid so you can get maximum berry growth.BONUS #9 from Kami McBride & Living AwarenessValue $18

The Vitalist Herbalism Mini-Course

Get beyond the practice of allopathic herbalism by learning the essential skills for using herbs holistically to heal the whole person. From the 5 Keys you need to know about every herb you work with, to the fundamentals for assessing a person holistically, the Vitalist Herbalism Mini-Course lays the foundation for how to effectively use medicinal plants to serve your family, community and clinic. BONUS #10 from Evolutionary HerbalismValue $20+

How to Grow Half Your Food 

Fast-paced and empowering, this video digs into the numbers of calories produced, square footage required, and exactly what you need to do daily (most days are 5 minutes or less of work!) in order to grow a significant amount of your family’s diet. Marjory Wildcraft’s straightforward, 3-part system focuses on food production with sustainable, organic methods that can be done anywhere – and is specially designed for small spaces.BONUS #11 from Marjory Wildcraft & The Grow NetworkValue $80

Total Value of Your Garden Bonuses: $500+

Take advantage of this pre event special. Act today and get the Summit presentations plus 10+ Bonuses at 60% off today

Take up to 30 days to make use of the entire Harvest Victory Kit. Hundreds of people like you have invested in our Summits over the years. I’m confident that you will be thrilled. On the small chance this doesn’t work for you, you receive a FULL refund within 30-days of your purchase. No hassles. Simply email Take full advantage for 30 days and see for yourself: Immediately when you order, you are taken to the presentations and bonuses…  get started right away.

Questions? Contact:

Here’s what fellow gardeners had to say about our Summits: 

I got my microgreens setup completed, and have full trays of spicy and mild micro mix, as well as smaller tray of micro kale, chard, beets, radishes, lettuces and broccoli. I am looking forward to lots of yummy microgreens to be added to my salads soon!Thanks for these Summit presentations, they have changed my life!!  



Stacey, thank you for being so passionate about food gardening. I never imagined all of this help was available as I have been muddling through pretty much on my own for years. So thank you. I’m working my way through the Summit and am learning new things to apply to my garden alreadyYou rock. Keep up the good work!




I bought the Summit because I knew I couldn’t make it during showtimes. What remarkable tips these people have. Sure they are all experienced and professionals in their field but the ideas are so down to earth and doable for everyone. You did a great job Stacey choosing indiviuals wthich would keep our interest and help us build a better, easier, and more productive harvest 



Take advantage of this limited time offer: Invest in your health and vitality with the Harvest Victory Kit at 60% off TODAY.

Own it for life. Grow superfoods right at home with ease.

Regular 197 Bonus Offer Only $77

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